Friday, August 08, 2014

You want to fight ISIS in Iraq?

American foreign policy is on crack.

Why do I say that?

Simple.  Look at the map above.  The red area is the land that ISIS now controls.  We stood by and watched while this group spread like cancer through the region and now...when they trap and threaten to kill an obscure people that I've never heard they decide that its time to act?

Way too little.  Much too late.

Lets have some plain talk.  The Middle East is experiencing a regional war that has hybrid aspects.  The administration has been paralyzed by analysis and when they finally decide to act they chose badly.

Sometimes you have to let a fire burn itself out...attempts at controlling it are futile and will only get firefighters killed or injured.  Its past time to let the Middle East burn.


  1. If you become good at something, they expect you to keep on doing it.

  2. “If you're not a socialist at the age of 20 you have no heart. If you're not a conservative at the age of 40, you have no brain.” - 19th Century French historian Francois Guizot, Georges Clemenceau, a French prime minster, and the playwright George Bernard Shaw et al.

    This quote certainly applies to the POTUS B Hussein Ovomit & his administration. He has an infantile way
    of dealing with serious world issues. He never misses the opportunity to get things wrong.

    He has no brain!!!

    1. ya know i really gave the guy the benefit of the doubt...not my vote, but when he got in office i wanted to see him really be the moderate that he promised. he lied. i've watched him in office now and i'm unimpressed. he doesn't act until things are on fire, he seems to enjoy chaos and he doesn't understand that the American people are seriously tired of his bullshit.

      i don't know why but liberals always seem to like it when things are spiraling out of control. if they don't lose the Senate this fall then i know that our country as we know it...knew done.

      but back on subject.

      yeah. the dude is brain dead. an idiot. arrogant beyond belief. feminine. weak. indecisive. just about everything you don't want in a leader.

    2. The Child President HAS NO CLUE!!!
      The GOOD OLD USA is adrift without an anchor, our deterrence Factor is being eroded voluntarily and simultaneously we have eroded Israel's deterrence ability by imposing undue pressure on it.
      Russian bombers penetrated U.S. airspace at least 16 times in past 10 days
      By Bill Gertz - Washington Free Beacon - - Thursday, August 7, 2014

      Russian strategic nuclear bombers conducted at least 16 incursions into northwestern U.S. air defense identification zones over the past 10 days, an unusually sharp increase in aerial penetrations, according to U.S. defense officials.

      The numerous flight encounters by Tu-95 Russian Bear H bombers prompted the scrambling of U.S. jet fighters on several occasions, and come amid heightened U.S.-Russia tensions over Ukraine. Also, during one bomber incursion near Alaska, a Russian intelligence-gathering jet was detected along with the bombers.
      Read more:
      Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

      This is what the Putinites think of him.

      Russian students beam racist laser show depicting Obama eating a banana on the side of US embassy in Moscow on President's birthday
      Racist laser message showed a banana sliding into Mr Obama's mouth
      It was projected onto the front of the U.S. embassy building in Moscow
      Group called the Moscow Student's Initiative have claimed responsibility

      Read more:
      Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

      And the Chinese
      China to build lighthouses on five isles in defiance of U.S. call
      BEIJING Thu Aug 7, 2014 6:00am EDT
      After Hamas ends truce, IDF strikes targets across Gaza, one boy said killed

      Read more: The Times of Israel | News from Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World
      Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook

      The boy president & ketchup Kerry are bringing disaster on the West due to their incompetence.

      The million dollar question is this by design or deliberate???

  3. Got to say though that this emergence of ISIS is a direct consequence of stupid and short term policies that vae been applied by the US since the invasion of Iraq in 2003. So if Obama has no brain, what does this say about Bush junior ? Probably that he got not even a brain cell, because he and the puppet master Dick Cheney put the region and your country in this mess.
    Once you invaded and got bogged down into a bloody insurgency fight, every operational decision that was taken pulled the US down even further into this big chaotic mess that is now Iraq. It's basically one blunder after another. Invasion, crack down on bath party and disbanding the army and police, then promoting the Shia agenda, putting them in charge of the country basically while fighting the Al Qeada and sunni nationalists in and around Baghdad, letting the Shia take over Baghdad and ethnically cleanse the city with their death squads while standing idly by and finally calling on that big fraud Petreaus as the Saviour and opting for his surge which was basically pulling in more troops to cordon off Baghdad from the Sunni heartland and let the Shias get their hands dirty in the city, quelling the insurgency there and eliminating the terrorist cells that caused most of the US there.
    Gave some sense of quiet but that was only fooling those who had no idea what was going on. Then focus shifted to Afghanistan for a while and now that the US is out of Iraq, a new game has started where the Sunni who felt disposessed of their rightful place have now allied with the lunatic fringe of ISIS. ISIS by the way is part of the opposition forces in Syria, so at least indirectly supported by the West and the US there. Many weapon shipments that were supposed to go to FSA ended up in hands of ISIS or ISIS controlled assets because the US have no oversight on the ground and no clue who is affiliated to whom to Syria. And now that Assad is getting the upperhand, ISIS is being pushed to the North ans EAst of Syria and spilling over into Iraq where its alliance with some Sunni tribes gave them the regional support they needed to go to war against the few Christians left and the Shia apostates.
    You broke it, you own it ! that was true for several years, until the surge gave Bush an honrouble way out ... Obama is just picking up the pieces of the mess his predecessor left him. Now he's not doing a very good job, but who would have, when there has been such a amount of bad decisions and so much bad blood between communities in the region ?
    I think Sol is right. It's time to stop messing up these countries and inflaming the situation further. Why put US servicemen at risk when there's not much to gain from it ? it certainly won't change the power dynamics at work in the area. Let them fight it out themselves, til a new balance of power emerges between Shia, Sunni and Kurds in Iraq, and try and support the sides that seem most likely to be able to get some form of political agreement going once the fighting is over. Besides ISIS won't be able to push much further than Baghdad. They'll get lots of their fighters killed, which is the best possible outcome, and then the Sunni and Shia can work something out. End of story.

    1. You are an idiot.

      Iraq had turned the corner when the great O took over. All that was left was the diplomatic continuation and making sure the final step of democratic graduation was accomplished, the transfer of power. The transfers pre-Maliki were under US direct control so did not count. Maliki was beaten by a COALITION group of Shia, Kurd, SUNNI lead by Alawi but Maliki refused to transfer power and step down, his Washington moment came and he chose kingship not democracy, self rather than country. The Iranians supported Maliki in this and we instead of supporting the coalition and forcing Maliki out with our diplomatic and military (still had a sizable force in country) captain O sided with Iran and even put our pressure to smash Alawi's efforts. The result is what you see Maliki like all successful dictators immediately set to make sure this threat never happened again by purging the military (i.e. why it collapsed without a fight against ak's and toyota pickups), and arresting or charging all his major political opposition.

      O and his short sighted goals along with his america is the problem not the solution foundational thinking broke the new Iraq and so here is were we are. The only way to salvage this is not through Baghdad and the Iranian supported Maliki (Qods forces are on the front lines along with Iranian trained backed Shia militia), no it is through pressure for Maliki to relinquish power, the Kurds in the north, and what ever is left of the awakening movement in the Sunnis leveraged through the Kurds.

      Funny how ISIS an admitted one time ally of the Iranians during the US time in Iraq suddenly came from no were capturing huge weapons cashes in Syria nearly unopposed killing more Syrian anti Assad fighters than they killed Syrian Army and now completing the longterm goal of Iran by breaking the new Iraq we left behind turning it into a sectarian state Iran would be ensured to control. The ISIS turned what was a Iranian route into a full run of the table, funny that. Odd to me is no one mentions this mutual gaining mutual goals of two very radical extremes could come together to achieve short term goals against a larger enemy even while chafing against eachother in certain minor areas. All the while knowing in the long term they will fight each other after they defeat the Big, Little Satan and their proxie Kifars as they would say. Must have been allot like the Nazis watching the Anglo alliance working with while at the same time attempting to check limit the Soviet "ally".

    2. if you're adressing me, i seriously suggest you use another "slur" ... i can live with dude, pal, or your dudeness (my Lebowski moment) but "idiot" is not on that list.
      I was there when that shit went down, so keep your BBS for someone else ...and stick to hiding behind your screen, buddy, that's definitely more like you :-)

    3. Not a slur just short hand for "you don't know what you speak of". That applies to anyone, time in or not that thinks O is doing a bang up job. He is gutting he military while expanding every other idiotic fed program (name anything that he has done to help our military be ready for the future threats). Hint adding women into combat, open flamboyant approved gays in the rank, and working on trannys are not beneficial, budget cuts while asking the military to man more stations is not good either. He has failed on every foreign policy issue to date both rolled over from the previous and new (name one success or even hold the line). He has added 7 trillion to the Bushes trillions and the meter is still running.

      Hiding behind a screen? We are on the internet likely hundreds if not thousands of miles apart we are all hiding behind a screen. If we were at a bar your speak would have pissed me off and understanding anyone who spouts such pansy BS talking points are not going to be swayed by reason I would probably have just picked at you until you gave me an excuse.

      Go worship your boy king and relish all this change and hope and fundamental transformation of the US. I see a world who sees US as weak and getting weaker self inflicted. I see welfare and unemployment growing. I see fed money being spent with no real national benefit while our military a constitutional requirement for the feds starves, all in a time of open war and major power threats reemergence. I see small business strangled by regulations in the cradle. I see trust fund babies and blue bloods who make money by imaginary dividends from paper shuffling getting ridiculous rich in the stock market while the peasants doing the ole hard work business by your brow being driven under. You see utopia arrived under this moron and the rest of US with eyes open see a steep cliff we are sliding down. Don't worry if once we get to the bottom the giveaways will all stop and it will all end in a nasty way.

    4. Whatever buddy, tell me that to my face and you'll be collecting your teeth from the floor you little prick (not a slur just description for assholes like you insulting others while hiding behind their screen)

  4. Lets just say that if Iraq falls to ISIS control or a situation arises where a conquering ISIS reach the Saudi border, the US will have to fight the ISIS. There is no way the US well let the Saudis face them alone. There is no way the Saudis will let the Americans sit this one out.

    Off course, what ISIS does after they take over Iraq as regards diplomatic relations with a fellow Sunni country is anyone's guess.

    I dont think the Saudi's are too pleased with this news of a Rising Caliphate. There will be no place for the Al Sauds in this new political entity.

    And on an unrelated note, the Saudi Supreme Court came out with a decree that forbids Saudi Men from marrying Pakistani and Bangladeshi women among other countries. Strike one against a united muslim brotherhood.

    1. You got to be kidding right ? ISIS taking over Iraq ? Have you ever served there ? Do you know what's gonna happen once or if they reach Kerbala or Nadjaf ? All hell is gonna break loose and ISIS fighter are gonna end up six feet under the ground ! They don't want to conquer Iraq as a whole, because they can't have it ... They'll be happy terrorizing some part of the North and West, if you let them, and they'll try to get a foothold into Baghdad because that's what the Sunnis want them for, but that's it.
      Don't buy into all this bullshit that's being printed all over ... makes up for good stories to frighten the kids with at night ... The Huns are coming, the Huns are coming ! Well they ain't gonna go much further, i can tell you that !

    2. dude he asked it as a hypothetical. you need to dial back your righteous indignation when it comes to world events. you know things are bad when i'm the one telling someone to calm down but this is suppose to be us kicking around ideas. don't be another Don2074978, or Sferrin ....its an ugly look.

    3. No indignation in my comment, just not buying into the idea. Kicking around ideas ok to me, but not conjuring up scenarios that don't are not even entertained in the most pessimistic outlooks on events on the ground.
      Anyway, the question was asked, that's what my opinion on that hypothetical. Just don't think we should hype up the ISIS lunies anymore than is already the case.

    4. oh ok. my bad. i misread the situation.

    5. You may or may not buy into the comment. But certain questions need to be asked-

      What will ISIS's diplomatic relations be with other Sunni Kingdoms ?
      What will Saudis reaction be to a military force bent on reistablishing a Caliphate ?
      At what time will Saudi-ISIS relations go sour, if they go sour ?
      ANd if they go sour and some hostilities begin, what will be USA's response ?

    6. Now these are really good questions I agree ! Guess a lot of it depends on how much influence the Saudis can expect to have on a group that is just marginally more crazy than they are themselves. But whole thing could go sideways too as you're suggesting

  5. Sorry for asking, but what's going on with "donXYZ" ... Reading this cryptic comment of his for the second time today ? Is the guy off his meds or what ?

    1. just another troll.

      i pick them up from time to time. if you look now you'll see i've deleted his comment. he posts that same thing about 10 times a day, then puts up something that actually contributes to the conversation. the problem is that the guy didn't follow the rules after insulting me on my blog. i told him to apologize and then to comport himself in the right way and i'd let him back in. he refused to do so, so he's banned.

      FUCK HIM! ;)

    2. OK, fair enough. Guess he doesn't have anything better to do ...
      As for your previous msg, don't get me wrong Sol, i appreciate you putting up this blog, which i didn't know up until recently. I can live with people putting up a hypothetical, even the most abstruse one, but gotta stay real at some point. There's enough shit going on as it is.

  6. So, the Islamic state is out... (I sent the link to your email Solomon)

    What surprised me is the ISIS fighters with ar15 and (apparently) American made vests

    If you hate something, why would you use something they made... Don't make much sense...

    1. You should not be surprised. They have been getting american equipment from beating the shit out of their US-sponsored opponents (FSA and Iraq, mostly). They hate the culture of the West, not it's weapons.

    2. Just watched part two of The Islamic state, children with 9 being indoctrinated.... That's impossible to end this without doing something brutal.

      The ISIS PR dude said if Turkey don't "open" the Ataturk dam they will open it from Istanbul... If these dudes think they will accomplish this, they are completely insane

    3. Yeah at some point someone is going to have to get there hands really dirty to put and end to this. At what level of indoctrination do civilians stop being civilians?

  7. The British should send the Gurkhas. They now how to deal with them.

  8. We are probably at the beginning of the first Islamic world war.

  9. It is weird to watch ISIS drive around in what appears to be brand new Hummer's. Saw that on TV yesterday then I guess someone decided not to show that anymore, they don't want American public wondering why....

    I am surprised that the Kurds haven't done much against ISIS. My impression would be ISIS couldn't stand up to Kurdish military/local forces. So what gives?

    My thought, which isn't very pretty, is that the Kurds have no problem with ISIS ethnic cleansing. Hey, if you can find someone else to do the dirty work for you, why get your hands dirty?!? Let's face it, it's not like we haven't seen ethnic cleansing around the world, it's not good to be a minority in lots of parts out there. If the Kurds thought it was a good opportunity to get rid of Christians and other minorities, why not? Let ISIS do it then have USAF come in with some drones and have the Kurds provide the mop up crew on the ground, and voila! ISIS are a bunch of terrorists anyways and the Kurds are the good guys for getting rid of ISIS.....and at the same time, they have cleaned out the region of anyone not Kurdish......Just my 2 cents.....

    1. This doesn't seem that probably, as the Kurds actually send a sizable force from Syria to help evacuate both Christians and that other religious group after they got cut off. Apparently the forces in the area that pulled back basically didn't have a choice as they were running very low on ammo and it was either retreat or be destroyed. The Kurds have been fighting ISIS for quite some time, starting in Syria but currently have an almost 1km border with the ISIS controlled areas.

  10. You're filling vast areas of absolute bugger all by default. Just like the WW2 documentaries where Rommel had supposed control of the entire western desert before Montgomery and Patton drove him back, ISIS are moving along established highways and taking control of road junctions and key lines of comms. The areas in between are empty and and useless until you enter into a maneuver war with armour. They are nowhere near profligate as you portray. And suck your own dick.


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